
User Control Name ws:EventList
Parameters to use for the above displayed user control StartDate="" AddEventLinkText="add event" AddEventToolTipText="Add an Event" UseShortTitle="False" ShowEventType="False" ShowDescription="False" UseHtmlDescription="False" ShowPicture="False" ShowDates="True" UseLongDates="False" ShowContactName="False" ShowContactEmail="False" ShowLocation="True" ShowContactPhone="False" ShowLinkToRegister="False" ShowLinkToCalendar="True" ShowContactHeader="True" ShowAllCommunityEvents="False" ShowAddEventLink="True"
Standard Properties

MemberKey - The member key of the user viewing the control. This is the membership system's key, not the Higher Logic key.

Title - The title to show at the top of this control. If not supplied, no title will show.

CssClass - The Cascading Style Sheet class used to wrap the entire control.

NoDataText - The text to show if no data is returned using the given criteria.

NotLoggedInNoDataText - The text to show if no data is returned using the given criteria and the user is not logged in.

HideIfNoData - Whether or not to hide the control if no data is found. If true, the control will be hidden if no data is found; if false or not supplied the NoDataText message will be shown

MemberKeyIfNotLoggedIn - The member key of the user viewing the control if not logged in. This is the membership system's key, not the Higher Logic key.


ShowAddEventLink - Gets or sets an indicator of whether or not to show add new event link.

AddEventLinkText - Add new event link text.

AddEventToolTipText - Add new event link tool tip text.

ShowAllCommunityEvents-(false) Show all the Community Events.

EventType - Used to limit the list to just events of the given type(or comma separated event types). If empty or not supplied, all types will be included.

CommunityType - Used to limit the Events list based on Community type.

CommunityName - Used to limit the list to just events from the given community. If empty or not supplied, events from all communities will be included.

StartDate - Used to adjust the list to include events from this date forward. If not supplied it will default to today forward.

EndDate - Used to limit the list to events that start on or before this date. If not supplied it will default to no limit (other than NumberToShow).

StateProvinceCode - Used to limit the list to events in the given state or province. If not supplied events from all locations will be returned.

KeyWords - Used to limit the list to events containing the supplied keywords.

NumberToShow - The maximum number of communities that will show at one time. If set to 0, shows all of the eligible communities. The default is 0 (all)

UseShortTitle - Whether to show the event short title as opposed to the full title. If true the event's short title will show; if false or not supplied, the full title will show

ShowEventType -(false) Whether or not to show the event type (e.g., Seminar, Webinar, Conference, etc.). If true the event type will show; if falseor not supplied, it will not

ShowDescription -(false) Whether or not to show the description of the event. If true the description will show; if false or not supplied, it will not

UseHtmlDescription -(false) Whether or not to use the html version of the description of the event (when showing). If true or not the html version of the description will show; if false or not supplied, the text only version will show. Assuming ShowDescription is true.

ShowPicture -(false) Whether or not to show the picture or logo associated with the event (if one exists). If true the picture will show; if false or not supplied, it will not

ShowDates -(true) Whether or not to show dates for the event. If true or not supplied the dateswill show; if false, they will not

UseLongDates - Whether or not to show dates in the long format, like "Monday, "May 11 - Tuesday, May 12, 2009". If true the long date format will be used; if false or not supplied, the short date format will be used

ShowContactName -(false) Whether or not to show the event contact's name (if one exists). If true the contact's name will show; if false or not supplied, it will not

ShowContactEmail -(false) Whether or not to show the event contact's email address (if one exists). If true the contact's email address will show; if false or not supplied, it will not

ShowLocation-(false) Whether or not to show the event location (if one exists). If true the event location will show; if false or not supplied, it will not

ShowContactPhone -(false) Whether or not to show the event contact's phone number (if one exists). If true the contact's phone number will show; if false or not supplied, it will not

ShowLinkToRegister -(false) Whether or not to show the "Register" link. If true the "Regsiter Link" will show (if the event is accepting registrations); if false or not supplied, it will not

ShowLinkToCalendar -(true) Whether or not to show a link to the full calender. If true or not supplied the link to the calendar will show; if false, it will not

ShowContactHeader -(true) Whether or not to show the "Contact Information" header above the contact information. If true or not supplied the header will show; if false or there is no contact information to show, it will not

LinkToRegisterText - The text to show for the link to register for the event (if applicable). If the event is not accepting registrations the link will not show. If not supplied, "Register" will be used.

LinkToCalendarText - The text to show for the link to the full calendar. If not supplied, "View Calendar" will be used.

LinkToEventTarget - The target window or frame in which to the page that shows the event description opens.

LinkToRegisterTarget - The target window or frame in which to the event registration page opens.

LinkToCalendarTarget - The target window or frame in which to the calendar opens.

ContactHeaderText - The text to show in the header of the contact information section. If not supplied, "Contact Information" will be used.