
The Network List control lists the networks that a contact belongs to in the social network. Networks bring together people with similar backgrounds, interests, participation, accomplishments etc. to allow them to connect to one another. Thsi control lists all of the networks that a given contact belongs to assuming the current user is able to see those networks.

User Control Name ws:NetworkList
Parameters to use for the above displayed user control HideIfNoData="False" ShowType="False" ShowMoreLink="True"
Standard Properties

MemberKey - The member key of the user viewing the control. This is the membership system's key, not the Higher Logic key.

Title - The title to show at the top of this control. If not supplied, no title will show.

CssClass - The Cascading Style Sheet class used to wrap the entire control.

NoDataText - The text to show if no data is returned using the given criteria.

NotLoggedInNoDataText - The text to show if no data is returned using the given criteria and the user is not logged in.

HideIfNoData - Whether or not to hide the control if no data is found. If true, the control will be hidden if no data is found; if false or not supplied the NoDataText message will be shown

MemberKeyIfNotLoggedIn - The member key of the user viewing the control if not logged in. This is the membership system's key, not the Higher Logic key.

User Control Prameters for Control ws:NetworkList

NetworkMemberKey - The member key of the person who's network is to be shown. If not supplied, the value in MemberKey is used. This is the membership system's key, not the Higher Logic key.

NumberToShow - The maximum number of network entries that will show at one time. If set to 0, shows all of the networks for the contact. The default is 0 (all)

ShowType - Whether or not to show the network type. If true the the network type will show; if false or not supplied, it will not

ShowMoreLink - Whether or not to show the link to "more" networks when the number of networks in which the contact is a member is more than the NumberToShow allows. If true or not supplied and there are "more" networks, the link will show; if false, it will not

MoreLinkText - The text of the "More" message, that is shown when the number of networks in which the contact is a member is more than the NumberToShow allows.

Target - The target window or frame in which the page displaying the network or additional networks opens.