
User Control Name ws:LibraryList
Parameters to use for the above displayed user control NumberToShow="10" SinceDate="4/10/2024" NewEntryText="New Entries:" TotalEntryText="( {0} entries )" MoreLinkText="More" HideIfNoData="False" ShowDescription="True" ShowTotalEntries="True" ShowNewEntries="True" ShowMoreLink="True"
Standard Properties

MemberKey - The member key of the user viewing the control. This is the membership system's key, not the Higher Logic key.

Title - The title to show at the top of this control. If not supplied, no title will show.

CssClass - The Cascading Style Sheet class used to wrap the entire control.

NoDataText - The text to show if no data is returned using the given criteria.

NotLoggedInNoDataText - The text to show if no data is returned using the given criteria and the user is not logged in.

HideIfNoData - Whether or not to hide the control if no data is found. If true, the control will be hidden if no data is found; if false or not supplied the NoDataText message will be shown

MemberKeyIfNotLoggedIn - The member key of the user viewing the control if not logged in. This is the membership system's key, not the Higher Logic key.

User Control Prameters for Control ws:LibraryList

NumberToShow - The maximum number of libraries that will show at one time. If set to 0, shows all. The default is 10.

SinceDate - Gets or set the oldest document create date that can be shown in this list.

TotalEntryText - Set the total documents entries showing text in this list.

NewEntryText - Set the new documents entries showing text.

ShowTotalEntries -(true) Whether or not to show the total entry. If true the total entry will show; if false or not supplied, it will not.

ShowNewEntries -(true) Whether or not to show the new entry. If true the new entry will show; if false or not supplied, it will not.

ShowDescription -(true) Whether or not to show the description of the library. If true the description will show; if false or not supplied, it will not.

ShowMoreLink - Whether or not to show the link to "more" libraries.

MoreLinkText - The text of the "More" library.