Hi, all - a common question we get from new admins is how to add or remove links to the main navigation of their sites. It's easier than it sounds! The first thing to understand about our Edit Navigation section is that we categorize pages and content in two sections, below:

In the left-hand, or Navigation section, the folder icons (or pages) that are showing in the navigation have the beige color. The pages that have the muted look are the pages that are present on the site, but not visible in the main navigation.

The best was to change the visibility settings of these pages is to select he page and click the Edit button, here:

If you'd like to make a page visible in the main navigation, you should toggle to Yes for Include in Site Navigation? and click Save. This will make the link visible in your main navigation.

If you want to hide a page from the main navigation, you should toggle to No for Include in Site Navigation? and click Save. This will hide the page from the main navigation without asking you to delete any content.

Happy customizing!
#Community_Admin#Navigation#How To