OK, so it’s no secret that the Internet has kind of, well… taken off. Yea, I guess you can say the cat’s out of the bag on this one…
So my question to you now is, how developed are your online marketing services?
With almost 100 million people using the Internet in the United States alone, I hope your answer is very.
Yes, I know there are so many options and offers floating around out there. They are all intended to help you and your business drive traffic to the website and generate leads through inbound tactics, but the question is, what is right for you?
Unfortunately in today’s hard and fast world of information there is no shortcut to marketing your website online. If you want your business’s website to get the kind of attention that draws customers to your services, you have to develop a basic strategy with three core fundamentals.
So What are They?
The path to successful online marketing begins with an understanding of these modern marketing essentials:
1) Search Engine Optimization
2) Content Marketing
3) Social Media Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the practice of organically boosting the visibility of your website on search engines. With Google and YouTube as the top search engines of the time, it is important to research how your site can cater to the preferred means of optimization for these engines.
There are many tactics and best practices to enhance the ranking of your website. A few that I strongly suggest are:seo
Precise, one-of-a-kind page titles
Better quality page structure
Rich, genuine, appropriate Keywords on all pages
Backlinks from respected websites
Consistently updated, relevant content that is shared
Images and videos rich with important words and descriptions
Basically, constructing a firm SEO strategy starts by providing genuinely solid content that incorporates keywords pertinent to the content you have chosen. It takes time and genuine effort to maintain a search engine’s endorsement, but through content sharing, keywords, and a great site you could become successful through your SEO practices.
It is said that almost all searchers click on the first site that appears on the search engine, so if your website is how you intend to gain business, SEO is pretty important!
Content Marketing
Ah yes, the content marketing strategy that you can no longer ignore. Before the days of web surfing, finding your prospects was your job and your job alone. But now, everything has changed. It is your job and your job (well hopefully not alone) to make it so that your prospects can find you.content marketing
How do you do this?
Through providing valuable, genuine, relevant content! Nobody wants to be told what they should do and why, not when a world of information is available at their fingertips! That’s why you need to provide content that shows your potential and current customers why your products or services are right for them.
Online content can be many things. A few ideas for are:
- Blogs
- White papers
- Podcasts
- Educational videos
- Keep in mind that search engines like Google monitor content, so like I’ve said before, creating/acquiring genuine content is a process that takes time and effort. As a marketer for your business it should be your intention, regardless of shortcuts, to provide authentic, germane content in the name of the products or services you provide.
Social Media Marketing
Once you have your content and SEO packaged neatly, apply a social media strategy to tie it together. It is important to know that search engines take the number of likes and shares of a page into consideration when ranking.
social media marketingAlso, consider why it is called ‘social’ media. Regardless of the number of fans or followers you have, without interaction your efforts are meaningless. In order to be successful with search engines the content you provide can’t be dormant. Active engagement and sharing is absolutely required in order to boost your ranking through social media. Besides, search engines aside, these networks give you the opportunity to communicate with your current and potential customers the way they want.
This is My Point
In conclusion, if you want to be successful in today’s marketplace, the Internet is where you need to be. Yes, it’s different from the generation running the workforce today and the previous generation, but it’s impossible to deny that this form of communication is now the driving factor of commerce in most countries throughout the world.
Now more than ever before, understanding SEO, content and social media marketing is worth it's weight in gold.