
HUG Member Spotlight - February 2022

By Katie Raeburn posted Feb 03, 2022 10:09 AM


Meet @Andrea Huggins, our HUG Member Spotlight for February 2022!

Andrea is the Senior Marketing Manager for the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), and she utilizes HL Community and HL Communications products.

I asked Andrea a few questions about her experiences, which I'm sharing below so you can get to know her a little better. If you have any questions for Andrea, or just liked something about her story, please comment on this post!

Please tell us a little bit about your role within AASHE!

I provide a place for members to come together to exchange ideas and ask questions through the online community. I also manage email marketing efforts, website writing and management, programmatic marketing efforts and more! I am one member of a small, yet mighty team of motivated professionals looking to support our members and advance sustainability.

What is your biggest career highlight to date?

The moment in my career I am most proud of was leading the marketing in a pivot to a virtual conference while on parental leave. While we are all now seasoned professionals on virtual events, doing so while caring for a newborn made me feel like I had unknown superpowers.

I look back and laugh at how hard I worked to plan for my leave. All marketing was scheduled for three-months out, but the world changed because of COVID-19 and I had to quickly un-schedule everything, strategize and rewrite. Thankfully, my second child was a much better sleeper than my first, and I have an incredibly supportive supervisor who always acts as a team member.

What advice would you give to someone who is new to using Higher Logic's products?

Take the trainings, participate in HUG, ask questions, and utilize the support team! Everyone is so knowledgeable and willing to help.

Okay, enough work stuff! Share what makes you happy (travel, hobbies, family, pets...whatever makes you smile).

My favorite season is fall, and I have two beautiful children (with one on the way) who bring so much joy to my life. If I could spend my days in permanent 65-72 degree weather with a roaring fire in the firepit in front of me, the sounds of sweet laughter around me and a glass of wine in my hand – I’d be all set!




Feb 07, 2022 09:31 AM

Thanks, Katie!

Feb 04, 2022 01:21 PM

Props to you for jumping in during COVID with a newborn! SUPER MOM!