Hello HUG and welcome to the launch of our
Powered by Edu Blog!
Your Higher Logic Education Team will be blogging weekly (or sometimes bi-weekly) if we have a lot to say. Each blog will have a different topic/tip that includes: a tutorial video, a use case, and a link to the knowledge base article(s) in the documentation in the Support Center with the steps. We'll be blogging on advanced configurations and platform functionality-- think of it like Higher Logic Graduate School but in manageable bits. If you're new to Higher Logic? we've got you covered too! We'll also have some “Back to Basics” blogs planned too that will get into basic configuration options and product 101.
So Why Did The Education Team Decide to Start Blogging?Well for several reasons. One thing I've come to love in my 10+ years working with the Online Communities platform is just how much you can configure the software to meet your needs without knowing how to code. We love tinkering and configuring things and getting to geek out and celebrating when we've figured out how to solve a problem using the platform. I still learn something new that our platform can do at least once a day as it is constantly evolving. We also recognize that it is
really easy to overlook all this great functionality. And most importantly, when it comes to our HUG community, we want
you to be successful with our software and have those great "aha!" moments too.
So let's get this blog party started already... Our first topic is all about
Using Profile Ribbons to Identify your Experts.
Identify Your Experts with a Profile Ribbon:
You can use a combination of the Automation Rules, the Experts Directory participation, gamification, and a Profile Ribbons to identify someone as an Expert with a ribbon such as the one below under their profile photo. This Profile Ribbon will show up anyplace their profile photo is used. And it can also drive engagement/link to your Experts Directory too and throws in some gamification into the mix too.
You don't have to restrict this use to just the Experts Directory, you could create "MVP, Champion, Ambassador, Staff, or Sponsor" profile ribbons, for example. You also don't need to be licensed for that Experts Directory add on module to make this work. But I thought it was a great use case for that Profile Ribbon/Experts Directory mash-up.
"Expert" Profile Ribbon 
Here are the links to Support Center Knowledge articles for
New Admin Experience and
Classic interface.
And make sure to watch a short tutorial video on how to configure this on your site.
I hope you enjoyed our first Powered by Edu Blog. Would love any feedback. And if you want to learn even more about the Experts Directory checkout our Higher Logic Academy Webinar recording all about it.