
Full Blog for Site

By Mark Eichler posted Feb 17, 2014 07:21 PM


The Higher Logic Microsites Blog platform has been revised and enhanced. Recent changes empower bloggers and meet the needs of search engines.

The link structure has been revised to identify the blogger, date and blog post title within the URL. This same URL logic applies to the blog lists where multiple blog posts are displayed. When the new “Permalinks” for a blog post are shortened -- for example, by removing the date and title to include only the blogger -- the resulting page will render a list of blog posts by that author. There is no need for a user to manually modify the URL to achieve these changes in list display. The blog viewer displays a breadcrumb-like link string allowing the user to click on the blogger’s name, year or month to shorten the URL, resulting in lists of blogs by that author or within the specified time period. The inclusion of the title of the blog post within the URL similarly enhances “user friendliness”. Bloggers can modify and shorten the titles used in the URL through a new field on the blog editor page.

Because the new link structure is permanent the same blog posts will have the same URLs over time. Should a site administrator move the pages within the site architecture the links to the blogs will not change. This protection from “link rot” ensures that search engines will continue to see the same blog content on the same pages with the same URLs. When exposed to public viewing, blog posts on the Higher Logic platform will realize enhanced search engine ranking and drive traffic to your sites.

These changes will make blog URLs more appealing to users and search engines – making the marketing of blogs much simpler and more effective.

Happy blogging!

