
It's Monday morning Post-#HLSF15: What to do next...

By Martha Jack posted Oct 25, 2015 02:28 PM


Welcome home from the Super Forum...I bet your head is still spinning from all of the great tips, information and ideas that came your way. Here's a quick guide for making the most of your post-Super Forum enthusiasm, getting those ideas into action and staying in touch with the fellow HUGgers you met:

1. Network: I think one of the greatest benefits of a conference like Super Forum is meeting all the folks that are either going through the exact same process as you, or have been through it before and have so much to teach you. Use the HUG Directory to connect with the attendees, Higher Logic staff and presenters who you ate lunch with, talked to at the happy hour buffet (how great were those fries?) or attended their session. If you can find some time, send them a quick message to stay in touch.

2. Back-track: Confession...between my sessions and meetings, I didn't get to attend a single session that I had on my agenda. So when the session recordings are posted, I'm going to have a LOT of listening to do. Hopefully you got to attend some great sessions, but back-track over the agenda and figure out where you had a few sessions you wanted to attend and make sure to get the resources, recordings and connect with the speakers from those sessions.

3. Share: You had a TON of information thrown at you on Wednesday and Thursday. Once you've taken the time to digest and figure out where your concentration needs to be (strategy, engagement, reporting, design, etc.) maybe have a learning lunch with the members of your team who didn't get to attend and let them know what you learned and how it can be applied directly to your community. Preparing for something like this will help you sort through all of the information you received and get focused on what needs to happen now, next month, in six months and a year from now.

4. Stay Accountable: Whenever I leave Super Forum, I am so jazzed and am brimming with new ideas to try out. But...I also come home to a full inbox and have been out of office for a few days, so get distracted with catching up. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN. I've found one of the best ways to avoid this is to get active in the HUG communities (maybe even join some new ones). Hot tip: I think a lot of people avoid the Designer's Corner community because it sounds's really helpful even for the non-designers in the crowd. If you hit it off with some folks, help each other stay accountable.




Oct 26, 2015 11:22 AM

Awesome notes, thanks for sharing! :)

Oct 26, 2015 11:13 AM

Thanks much for this, Martha -- it was great to meet you in person! I will definitely be doing my share of back-tracking as the recordings come out.

Oct 26, 2015 10:41 AM

Martha, you are awesome! Thanks for sharing these thoughts and suggestions!

Oct 25, 2015 04:11 PM

Thanks for the prompts Martha. I just cracked my laptop open to get ahead of the week so tomorrow doesn't feel so overwhelming. We're launching next week so I'm looking to get organized around all the small items that need to be addressed before the full launch.