
One Email You’ll Wish There Was a Like Button For

By Meghan Curtin posted Jul 01, 2010 03:45 PM


Although there is no Like button for email, we have a feeling that you’ll  want a I like this a lot button after reading the Informal. We know you are thinking, “I get lots of email already, so why do I want this one?”


The Informal is a weekly email including the email tip of the week, case studies from associations and educational webinars – and supercharge your eMarketing initiatives.

This eNewsletter is brought to you by Informz, the leader is helping associations utilize email marketing to get closer to understanding what your members want to hear about from you AND  converse with them more directly with targeted and personalized email campaigns. We know you don't have a lot of time, so we've designed The Informal to be quick and easy to read so it fits with your schedule. Sign up for your copy today!

