Harley Davidson, Apple, Tom’s. These organizations have Fiercely Loyal communities of brand advocates that are legendary in the marketplace. In her dynamic keynote presentation at this year’s HUG Super Forum, Sarah Robinson discussed the positive impact these kinds of communities can have on any organization and shared her simple model for making it happen.
Here are three key ideas that Sarah, an expert in creating and maintaining fiercely loyal communities, discussed with attendees.
Know your “Why”?
When your team sits down to develop a community building strategy, this is the question that must be answered before any strategies and tactics are discussed. For many, the knee-jerk response is “because everyone else has one” or “because it’s the hottest thing going and we need to be playing in that space”. These answers are natural (and common). However, building a thriving, loyal community takes blood, sweat and tears. You need an answer that will sustain you and guide you on the road ahead.
- Determine your ROI.
Let’s face it. No one is sitting around waiting for more work to be piled onto a To-Do list. Building and sustaining a Fiercely Loyal community requires an investment of time and resources. You’ve got to make a case to yourself and probably to your boss that adding this work to your load will have substantial payoff. Take time now to think through how you, your organization and your community members stand to gain from your efforts.
- Make the commitment now to love your community.
I don’t just mean “Yes, of course we love our community.” I mean LOVE your community the way you love someone who is significant to you. Building a community is a long-term investment, full of ups and downs, disappointments and surprises. Your community will both frustrate and delight you. And you have to love them through it all. What’s more, you have to love them first if you want them to love you.
As organizations look for ways to stand out in today’s loud, crowded and competitive marketplace, building a community of customers, clients and/or members is becoming non-negotiable. If you choose to invest in creating a Fiercely Loyal community, you will bring tremendous value both to your organization and to your community members and the impact will be long-lasting.

What’s your strongest reason for wanting to build a Fiercely Loyal community?