
There are 2 versions of this glossary term.
A community is the group of people organized around a common subject or theme which is defined by the community name and description.  Communities are categorized into community types.  Both the community type and name are used in the display and when searching for people.  Community membership is managed within the AMS for AMS integrated communities.  We sometimes refer to these as formal communities.  Community membership is managed within the social network for communities not integrated to the AMS and the join permissions can be set to a number of different options. 

You may add features to a community.  These include an eGroup (our name for a discussion list), a Resource Library, and a Microsite.  The features available depend on your license agreement.
Revised By: Mark Eichler Revised On: Apr 14, 2016 1:48 PM
Characters Edited: 5 Total: 938
A community is the group of people organized around a common subject or theme which is defined by the community name and description.  Communities are categorized into community types.  Both the community type and name are used in the display and when searching for people.  Community membership is managed within the AMS for AMS integrated communities.  We sometimes refer to these as formal communities.  Community membership is managed within the social network for communities not integrated to the AMS and the join permissions can be set to a number of different options. 

You may add features to a community.  These include an eGroup (our name for a discussion list), a Resource Library, and a Microsite.  The features available depend on your license agreement.
Revised By: Lila Elliott Revised On: Dec 8, 2009 7:06 PM
Characters Edited: 0 Total: 933