Food & Friends Food Preparation and Packaging

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Signup Deadline: Dec 23, 2016
Starts: Jan 05, 2017
Ends: Jan 05, 2017
Location: 219 Riggs Road, NE, Washington, DC 20011 volunteer opportunity location


The mission of Food & Friends is to foster a community caring for men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-challenging illnesses by preparing and delivering specialized meals and groceries in conjunction with nutrition counseling.

Higher Logic CARES is coordinating meal preparation and packaging on Thursday, January 5th, from 9am to 12pm. 

For this opportunity, volunteers will take part in all stages of the process, duties may include dicing, portioning, sorting, bagging, labeling and more will work together to help get meals out the door. 

Volunteers Needed:

15 (12 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience




Holly Keener