Zenoss has been working with and using Higher Logic as the platform for our TechZen Community for over two years. Super Forum 2018 was a great opportunity to chat face to face with the Higher Logic team, peers in technology using the platform, and many other community thought leaders from around the world. After a productive and fun week at Super Forum, I paused to reflect and share my thoughts on the week.
So here are the nine most descriptive song titles for Higher Logic Super Forum 2018.
- “I Want to Take You Higher” - Sly and the Family Stone
The vision and road map laid out by the Higher Logic team at Super Forum 2017 was compelling and ambitious to say the least. Two new acquisitions brought two solutions sets into the fold with their flagship enterprise SaaS-based community platform. In typical Higher Logic form, their team took thought leadership and discussion of all things community to the next level. This year was even bigger and better and was made up of a diverse group of attendees from a wide spectrum of organizations.
- “How Soon Is Now?” - The Smiths
Seamlessly and simultaneously integrating three enterprise cloud solutions while giving the user experience and user interface a complete and thorough facelift is a tall order for any technology team. Most could probably get one done correctly in a year. I love Higher Logic because, just like Zenoss with the launch of Zenoss Cloud, they dialed in on the next significant evolution of their solution and delivered big time. Agility defined!
Congratulations and a well-deserved tip of the collective HUG hat!
- “School” - Supertramp
Having been to many conferences, I was pleased with the rich offering of sessions and opportunities to meet one-on-one with Higher Logic subject matter experts (SMEs). Keynotes were well-balanced between thought leadership, sharing of professional and life experiences, and, of course, successful community solutions. A common comment I heard was, “There are so many great sessions at the same time, I do not know which one to choose.”
Good news, Huggers. Every speaker led a thought-provoking discussion. And even if you missed one, Higher Logic captured them all for on-demand access post-conference. I highly recommend we continue to engage and share questions, comments and insights in the Super Forum HUG community.
- “Orange Crush” - R.E.M.
In terms of branding, one has to love Higher Logic’s orange. Their team would outshine the Dutch at any World Cup. Swag, gumballs, SMEs, ambiance enhancement, bow ties, and even Executive Chairman Rob Wenger’s jacket at the reception proudly amplified the primary color in Higher Logic’s branding palette.
I’ll admit — I want a Rob orange blazer. And you know you do, too.
- “Floyd, The Barber” - Nirvana
Super Forum attendees anxiously awaited Floyd’s big appearance, and we were not disappointed. Floyd generously posed for photos and gave “hugs to HUGs” to the delight of everyone. Floyd, of course, is the Higher Logic mascot. Floyd is not really a barber — that I know of — but a charismatic green tree frog and a close friend of Zenoss’ Zenny the zebra.
If you do not have Floyd in your office or home, I highly recommend reaching out to Higher Logic for your Floyd.
- “Come Out and Play” - The Offspring
After three full days of learning, networking and engaging with community management peers, Higher Logic hosted a fantastic evening celebration. Held at the very top of the Gaylord, everyone enjoyed fab food, friends, and sweeping views of Washington, D.C., highlighted by the marquee ferris wheel lit up in Higher Logic orange. Way cool!
The discovery of Wednesday night karaoke just across the street led to the impromptu after party — or as hobbits might call it, “second party.” Community and relationship building happen in many ways we can never plan. One of the great equalizers in life is music — and the fact that most of us cannot really sing. We are, however, convinced we can sing and want to display our perceived talent with old and new friends. Awesome to see CEO Kevin Boyce, CMO Hunter Montgomery and so many others hop up on stage and release their inner rock ‘n’ roll personas!
Apologies after the fact to R.E.M. for my version of “It’s the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine).” For some reason, it just sounds better in my car!
- “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay” - Otis Redding
Higher Logic headquarters is in Arlington, Virginia so it is logical (in a higher sort of way) that Super Forum is held in the Washington, D.C., area each year. Super Forum 2018 was held at the Gaylord National Convention Center and Resort in Maryland. Outstanding accommodations, fantastic neighborhood for a morning run (or mosey) along the bay, "toptastic" options for evening fun, colorful displays of leaves turning, and extremely pleasant fall weather all made for a relaxing and productive week.
- “For What It’s Worth” - Buffalo Springfield
While we always discuss the bits and bytes of solutions in technology, I always maintain that the people you work with are the biggest differentiators. Everyone I work with at Higher Logic is an awesome partner striving every day to help us and our community succeed. Zenoss is proud and excited to be a Higher Logic customer. If you are looking for a robust community platform with a talented team behind it to drive you to success, then Higher Logic is a must-evaluate and should make your list of finalists.
- “The Waiting” - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
No sooner did Super Forum end than everyone began blocking dates and planning for next year. We cannot wait to see what Higher Logic produces for us next, but if history is an indicator, it will be more brilliant solutions and thought leadership that propel online communities forward in many impactful ways.
Looking ahead to November 17-20, 2019, the good news for everyone is that Super Forum will be in the same exact location. As for Karaoke — oh, yes — it will be on!
In summary, Higher Logic Super Forum 2018 was a great conference, and we look forward to Super Forum 2019. Until then, I would love to engage with you on and learn more about what you are doing with your community and am happy engage as a resource as well.