
Powered by Edu Blog: Managing Impersonation Settings

By Lila Elliott posted Jan 05, 2022 05:32 PM


A Very Happy New Year HUG!

I've long since stopped making New Years Resolutions to stop or quit doing things. Instead, I've decided to find what activities bring me joy and satisfaction and do more of them. Blogging is one thing I'm committing to in 2022. So our Powered by Edu blog will be coming to you weekly via the HUG. Wondering what this blog is all about? then check out our inaugural blog that explains it all.

This week's topic is all things Impersonation. What it is, how to get started, where to go to manage the settings, email notifications, reporting, and even some best practices ideas and tips for maximizing this powerful tool. Our Impersonation tools allow Higher Logic Super Admins to  (air quotes )"View/Login" into their community sites as another member without needing to obtain their credentials. Impersonation is a handy tool to help troubleshoot issues, double-check your site security permissions and what folks may see and do, and even seed your community content. 

Click here to read our Knowledge Base article about Impersonation. View the video below to get started and I'll have you impersonating in no time. 

