A Very Happy New Year HUG! I've long since stopped making New Years Resolutions to stop or quit doing things. Instead, I've decided to find what activities bring me joy and satisfaction and do more of them. Blogging is one thing I'm committing to in 2022. So our Powered by Edu blog will be...
Does Anyone Know the Answer? As Community Managers, facilitating the response to unanswered Discussion posts is a great way to boost your overall engagement and site satisfaction, increase your Engagement Benchmark Score (EBS) , and ensure that your community members will keep coming...
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In this Powered by Edu Blog, we're exploring our NEW Engagement Benchmark Score or EBS for short. We're pretty excited about it here at Higher Logic HQ and hope you'll be too. The Engagement Benchmark Score is a tool for you to understand your community engagement through data – and...
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This Powered by Edu Blog is for all of our Event Planners who need more time in their lives. So, we've come to love the RSVP Only option when setting up events in Event Manager. Why do you ask? Simplicity . This registration mode allows attendees to register with one-click and...
Hello HUG and welcome to the launch of our Powered by Edu Blog ! Your Higher Logic Education Team will be blogging weekly (or sometimes bi-weekly) if we have a lot to say. Each blog will have a different topic/tip that includes: a tutorial video, a use case, and a link to the knowledge...
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